Magic Masjid - Unknown masjid was built by whom, how many people are working on including carpenters and kulinya and how the material of cement, sand and others. In short, the masjid's bobbed just like that and continue to "grow" up to now and always seen as "unfinished buildings" but did not see the pile of material and then ply workers. However, when the rumor was confirmed to the "insiders", it is said that the construction of the masjid - which was essentially a boarding school complex as a whole - all is transparent because it is done by students and pilgrims

Rebuttal of the "insider" was clearly plastered on the front reception desk with large writing, "If there are people who say that this is tiban cottage (cottage appears by itself), built by the jinn and so on., It is not true. Because this building is a boarding school Salafiyah Bihaaru Bahri 'Asali Fadlaailir pure Rahmah built by the students and pilgrims. " Apart from the miraculous or the advisability of the 10-storey lodge building, which is clear in terms of architecture shows a high level of architectural taste that may be in the process of development is clearly needed funds are not small. A grand project that would involve many parties.

Curious? Visit the cabin, which is in Sananrejo Village - KEC. Doors - Malang.
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